Thursday, March 25, 2010

More about sugar, this time High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

Ever since watching Jamie Oliver's TED talk ( ) I have been completely re-inspired to feed my child/family well.  For the most part, we sit down every night for dinner with a good well, rounded home cooked meal (6 out of 7 nights cooked by my husband! Thank you, honey!)  When I am food shopping, I read ingredients and do not buy foods that have HFCS added (a problem when buying graham crackers for my cheesecake), and am just continually surprised and frustrated by how many foods contain HFCS (well, and just regular corn syrup too).  But HFCS is REALLY, REALLY BAD FOR YOU.  Here is a link explaining the reasons when compared to sugar:

It doesn't go into the chemical reasons why it's bad for you (like the process of creating HFCS leaves Mercury residuals). But it is still a very great eye opening study, and well grounded regarding the impact of HFCS on your body and fat.

Here are a couple of my reasons why I know HFCS is bad for you (it's my cynical reason - not grounded in any true factual evidence):  1.  Why would you believe the Corn Refiners Association and their evidence stating that there is nothing wrong with HFCS?  That's like saying not brushing your teeth won't lead to gum disease.  That's what we would call a non-objective study.
2.  Again, why would we believe Pepsi-Co and their study refuting there is any harm done to humans and obesity, etc by drinking soda.  Again, that's what we would call a non-objective study.  I don't care that they have a doctor (hired by them) to state on Nightline (watch the video at the end of the article) that he finds there is nothing wrong with HFCS.

Seriously, we are supposed to believe people HIRED by the people making these products that indeed, there is nothing wrong with them, contrary to a study done by doctors with no connection to anyone or any company?  Seriously?  My belief is with the evidence and the non-biased doctors.

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