Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Enough already! I'm tripping over the toys!

Tonight as I was walking out of the family room, I literally stuck my foot into a toy.  It is one of those rolling bumblebee toys for toddlers.

Hunter left it in the entrance to the family room.  I stepped my big size 10 foot through the handle bar (somehow!) and took a step all while walking and balancing my computer in one hand as I used my other hand to catch my fall twisting my ankle going down onto our cement floor. 

Yes it hurt, but seriously what would have hurt WAY more was if my computer had slipped out from its precarious spot balanced in my left hand....but no, my guardian angel who watches over my computer didn't let it fall (thank you very much).  My ankle hurts a bit, but I can get over that.

So, the point...seriously WAY TOO MANY TOYS RUNNING AMUCK IN MY HOUSE.  I think they are breeding somehow. 

Not needing any sympathy, but wanting a "wow that was close" from my husband, he says instead that it looked funny from behind.  He didn't know that I was holding my computer precariously.  I'm sure it did look funny.  I'm still on the high that results from knowing I somehow just saved $700+ by not dropping my laptop.

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